Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Angelina with her tailoring business

Angelina Mking’I is a local tailor living in Iringa municipality. She has three children all of whom are girls. Here are their names: Loveness Kulanga who is 15 years old and in third year (Form three) of ordinary level secondary education; Verynice Kulanga is12 years old and is in sixth year of primary education; and finally, Angelfes (Angel’s face) Kulanga who is 9 years old and currently in standard 3 at one of the local primary schools in Iringa. Angelina’s husband engages in small business and in particular he buys and sells rice. Angelina enjoys freedom, love and support from her husband. In particular, the husband allows her ample time to own, use the earning and run her business as she wishes.

Angelina is one of nearly 400 AEIF beneficiaries of a project run by AGEN and AGEN-USA Inc. alumni and their colleagues in Tanzania and from across the globe. Specifically, Angelina was provided with as a loan worthy Tanzanian shillings 72,000 to help her expand her tailoring business. 

Prior to accessing the loan, Angelina had a small capital of only Tanzanian shillings 17,500. With that amount she could only buy less fabric at an elevated rate and as a result she could only earn Tanzanian shillings 62, 500. The fabric could only last for a week. Consequently, a significant portion of the earning was lost through expenses associated with weekly purchases of fabric and associated transportation. Instead, of engaging in business, she lost her precious time resource through weekly purchases.

However, the loan has enabled her to earn and save more money; she currently earns, Tanzanian shillings 250,000 within three weeks. A significant amount of that income isn’t lost because she has enough fabric to last for the whole month. She also has more time to engage in her business. And she purchases more fabric at a discounted rate.

Angelina conveys her greatest gratitude to the Tanzanian alumni, AGEN, AGEN-USA Inc. and in particular the American people for their support that has truly transformed her life for better.

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