Thursday, December 1, 2011

Singida Women Entrepreneurs have Money in Their Hands but they……….

It is an excellent start for women entrepreneurs in JUWAKI’s Singida region. The entrepreneurs at various levels benefit from AGEN’s grant. At the top left Fatuma Juma Lusinde has accessed the grant and improved her business of selling vegetables. The Iguguno village community can access more vegetables and Fatuma’s family can have delicious and nutritious food on the table. Neema Kitundu, at the top right, owns a shop; AGEN’s grant enabled her to buy more merchandise for her shop. She sells cereals and “ready made things” that are in high demand at the village. Although the community has increased access to important basic needs, Neema’s family has increased potential to send to schools both girls and boys.

If we shall talk of either iron ladies or inborn entrepreneurs, Rehema Nkya is one of them. Johnson and Rasel (AGEN members) who know her can bear witness. Like many other successful entrepreneur, Rehema Nkya diversifies products and creates new businesses for her customers. Although, Rehema has opened a new saloon to allow ladies at Iguguno and neighboring villages to beautify themselves, she is known for her delicious meals offered at her restaurant. Sharing his views, Rasel said, “in 2007, I ate chapatti (special hand prepared Tanzanian bread) and supu ya kuku (special Tanzania chicken soup which can also be consumed with several staples including maize) at her restaurant; they were extremely delicious.” Rehema’s success has enabled her to send her children, regardless of gender, to school. At the time, when AGEN founders prepared a proposal and built a case for its feasibility, they argued that some of the women entrepreneurs have sent their husbands to school. If somebody would ask us to present a specific case, we would present Rehema to them. More than four years ago, Rehema was successful enough to encourage her husband to join agricultural college for further studies. She paid most of the tuition fees and other expenses. At the same time, she continued to pay fees for her children at home. AGEN depend on her because we will send her to different places to train others and learn from them, all for the sake of women entrepreneurs in her locality.

Finally and since we are down to business, the women entrepreneurs bravely proposed things to be improved and acted upon. AGEN has addressed some of them and has devised strategies address the remaining ones. We will learn about these strategies as things unfold.

AGEN’s First Training of Trainers (ToT) A SUCCESS INDEED

The birth of a new vocabulary features the atmosphere during preparation of and execution of the historical AGEN ToT TRAINING. The vocabulary, “Agener’s” has been officially adopted by many. We will probably be calling you Agener to diverge from the term “member” which is so commonly and frequently used by many. We are exceptional people who do exceptional things as we change our world, as we execute cutting edge monitoring and empowerment, as we execute projects in ways that no one else has attempted. AGEN is a product of innovative creation. Grassroots outcomes, at least for the past few months, have showcased our innovative potential because grassroots people have started to benefit. Indeed, we stand out of a crowd.

The success of AGEN’s first ToT training is applauded by both members and likely supporters of grassroots empowerment projects in the continent. AGENERS have made it and they are more than ready to take AGEN to the next level. On November 15 2011, Jesse James, AGEN Administrative Office and Board member wrote, “ ...I wish to record my appreciation for a very good turn up... to the Training despite your busy schedules and...raining in Dar es Salaam on that day…. We had a total of 21 members who attended out of 30 who confirmed to participate. That was a great achievement.”

On the same day, Peter Mkufya one of resourceful persons in the training wrote, “ ...I must say that the ToT workshop was...very wonderful...experience...professionalism really dominated the scene. I was very impressed to hear people's positive comments...; especially the brilliant ideas you have been sharing across with your friends…I won't forget this that during the workshop several participants were saying around.... I was linked to this lady/gentleman by ....of course which was the case to me.... I couldn't have known people like James, Mlaki, Johnson, Peter, Diana, Edward, Maltida etc. that day....For this I have seen the power of networking. “ A few days later, a long time gender activist and dedicated Agener, Matilda Mkami Sabayi shared her views, as a participant, with one of the editors, “ given my analysis of existing NGOs in Tanzania and international ones that I am aware of, AGEN stands to become the best and most reputable international NGO in the continent.”

Matilda is in possession of, Bachelor of Education, MA; currently she is a PhD candidate at University of Dar Es Salaam specializing on Agriculture (Irrigation) and Rural Livelihoods. Matilda a very resourceful Agener and inborn entrepreneur, knows what it takes to be a girl in a community where girls are given second priority. Matilda is an exception in her family in that she managed to raise herself to the highest level of education among all.
Sharing similar views, another participant wrote, “All members during ToT envisioned growth of AGEN...being the only organization in Tanzania comprised of most educated individuals... which predicts success of AGEN in Sub-Saharan Africa. ”

On November 17 2011, Mr. Bugingo Massana, another resourceful person and Agener, specializing on management and with over 30 years in the field (both local and international), wrote, “I am glad to inform you that we had a nice training at the University of UDSM, and the Organizers of the training were kind. We learned from one another and I do hope that things will be good in future. “ Mr. Massana’s presentation was on management. Participants benefited much from his expertise and experience in the field.

Mr. Felix Mlaki, AGEN’s board member, chose no to comment on the status of the workshop; nevertheless, he played his part by deeds. As a key resource person who designed the syllabus for the ToT, Felix facilitated the following key topics: Definition of Entrepreneurship, Qualities of an Entrepreneurship, Business Opportunities, Economic/Business Principles, Sources of Capital for business, Entrepreneurship in Tanzania’s context, Factors to consider for financing and Record keeping. At the end of his presentation, Mr. Felix adviced participants to observe the following: “Develop skills; Always aim to improve; Thing big and start small.”

Mr. Mirau Mbise, Agener and one of the resource persons specializing in marketing, couldn’t make it due to unavoidable circumstances. However, he managed to train David Manyerere, a development expert, to facilitate ToT at Dar Es Salaam. Their presentation focused on marketing (the process of interesting potential customers and clients in your products and/or services). Mbise and Manyerere covered the following issues: entrepreneurship (the assumption of risk and responsibility in designing and implementing a business strategy or starting a business); General Enterprising Tendencies (Strategic, Future orientated, Aggressive, Confident, Growth seeking, Hardworking, Opportunistic, Networking, Flexible); Who are the potential customers?; How to retain current and get new customers?; Internal Environment (marketing mix); External Environment (customer analysis and competitor analysis).

Mr. Mkufya presented a topical issue on how to overcome fears in entrepreneurship ventures. He specifically covered things such as the meaning of fear in entrepreneurial terms; identification of fear triggers and avoidance of the same; application of ten practical solutions/overcoming fear; establishment of Fear Index and finalized his case studies by presenting informative case studies.

Ms. Diana Carvalho, AGEN’s Executive Director and board member, facilitated an important and productive presentation on What is a business plan and what are important contents of a business plan. The rule of the thumb is successful entrepreneurs are excellent creators of sound and viable business plans.

Indeed, first Training of Trainers (ToT) on Saturday November 12, 2011 which started at 8:30 am at the School of Law of the University of Dar es Salaam was a success, AGEN has 21 well trained entrepreneurs who will be taking turns to visit grassroots women entrepreneurs in Iringa and Singida. The only challenge to AGEN is to raise funds so that the trainers can reach entrepreneurs scattered all over Sub-Saharan Africa within the next few years. Congratulations to all Ageners.