Saturday, June 1, 2013

Mwanaidi Hamisi is one of the beneficiaries of AEIF and does good business

Mwanaidi Hamisi is one of the beneficiaries of AEIF 2011. She is a wife and mother of six children. Two of them are girls. Two her of children are in secondary school; the rest are in primary school. Mwanaidi is an entrepreneur who engages in retail business during dry season and farming during rain season. She specifically provides vitenge (Tanzanian traditional fabric mostly worn by women), shoes and cooking utensil to her customers.

During dry season (harvest), she walks around the village door to door to serve her customers. This allows her customers ample time to engage in other activities. With only a humble beginning of a capital worth on Tanzanian shillings 150,000 (around $60), Mwanaidi’s business has grown to a capital worth Tanzanian shillings 500,000 ($350). Moreover, Mwanaidi’s business makes her qualifies for a loan worthy Tanzanian shillings 300,000. She has invested her latest loan on agriculture whereby she owns 6 acres of land (1 acre = 4046.8564224 m2): 4 acres have been used for maize production whereas 2 acres of land have been used for sunflower production. She expects a good harvest which will be used for construction of a business site in her village.

1 comment:

  1. In the business world, time really is money and this a shining example of this can be found in regards to the problems that companies face when their customers fail to settle their outstanding invoices in a reasonable period of time.

    Business Information
