Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Cathelini Mbilinyi, in the photo, is a grassroots entrepreneur who engages in....................

Photo: Cathelini Mbilinyi, in the photo, is a grassroots entrepreneur who engages in food vendoring and sale of beer and soft drinks. She has been benefiting from AGEN-USA Inc interventions in rural Tanzania for over three years. 

Cathelini is a mother of 6 (3 boys and 3 girls). One of her children goes to a local secondary school; the rest are in primary school. Specifically, Catheline has received micro-loan from NIGE, AGEN-USA Inc’s implementing partner, four times. As a result, her business continues to thrive. 

She is able to feed her family and pay for her children’s education.

Cathelini Mbilinyi, in the photo, is a grassroots entrepreneur who engages in food vendoring and sale of beer and soft drinks. She has been benefiting from AGEN-USA Inc interventions in rural Tanzania for over three years. 

Cathelini is a mother of 6 (3 boys and 3 girls). One of her children goes to a local secondary school; the rest are in primary school. Specifically, Catheline has received micro-loan from NIGE, AGEN-USA Inc’s implementing partner, four times. As a result, her business continues to thrive.

She is able to feed her family and pay for her children’s education.